Shijiazhuang Hutuohe Wastewater Treatment Plants
Author:张开PublishDate:2019-04-30 14:17:36

Huadian Water is mainly engaged in domestic and foreign investment, construction and operation in the fields of urban portable water, municipal sewage treatment, municipal sludge treatment, water environment comprehensive treatment and so on. It has built 6 sewage treatment plants and 7 water supply plants in Hebei, Shanxi, Anhui and Henan provinces, with an operation capacity of 660,700 tons per day.Besides that,it has another 10 water plants with a total capacity of 152,900 tons per day under entrusted operation.
Huadian Water: based on the food processing industry, Huadian Water (Luohe) supply plant customizes the superb quality water supply process according to the special demands of the food and beverages (e.g. Coca Cola, Want Want, Uni-President etc) manufacturers at home and abroad. The effluent quality meets the standard of raw water for food processing. Compared with the conventional tap water treatment process, the new process guarantees the water quality with better efficiency and environment-friendly discharge.
The middle line of the south-to-north water transfer project greatly alleviates the water resource shortage problem in the northern area of China. Puyang Third Water Plant is its auxiliary project, with 320,000t/d designed capacity and 200mu floor area. After water became available in 2015, the living quality of the residents is promoted, consequently playing an active role in the regional, economic and social development.
On the basis of the “environment-friendly, beautiful and efficient” idea and combined with the integrated fixed biological contact oxidation process, the garden sewage treatment project in Beidaihe New Area of Qinhuangdao City develops a botanical garden type sewage treatment system in the light of the local conditions, which realizes organic matter degradation and nitrogen, phosphorus removal, saves the operating costs, reduces effectively odor pollution through sludge and stink decrement and decreases the “psychological floor area” of the sewage plant, establishing a green, environment-friendly and efficient industry benchmarking and achieving the mutual integration between the sewage plant and the surrounding environment.
The sewage treatment and reclaimed water reuse in Phase III project of the West Wuqing Development Zone solves the sewage collection and treatment problem. In addition, the conforming recycled water is used for landscaping and river replenishing and used as the source of boiler feedwater for power plants, achieving the recycling of water resources and effectively relieving the shortage of urban water resources.